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A 'human being,' as conceived by Iain McGilchrist, is a profoundly intricate and embodied entity, woven from the rich tapestry of consciousness, emotion, and physicality. Far from being a mere computational device or an isolated ego, a human being exists within an embodied context, deeply interwoven with the surrounding world and other beings. Rooted in the dynamic interplay between the hemispheres of the brain, individuals experience reality not as detached observers but as co-creators. In this view, rationality and intuition, science and art, are not diametrically opposed but are complementary aspects of a holistic human experience. True understanding of a human being arises not from dissection into parts but in appreciating the unified, living whole, resonant with meaning, connection, and the capacity for transcendence.

See also: consciousness, brain, reality, mind, human experience

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